Synthesis and Completion of Facades from Satellite Imagery

Xiaowei Zhang, Christopher May, Daniel Aliaga ;


Automatic satellite-based reconstruction enables large and widespread creation of urban areas. However, satellite imagery is often noisy and incomplete, and is not suitable for reconstructing detailed building facades. We present a machine learning-based inverse procedural modeling method to automatically create synthetic facades from satellite imagery. Our key observation is that building facades exhibit regular, grid-like structures. Hence, we can overcome the low-resolution, noisy, and partial building data obtained from satellite imagery by synthesizing the underlying facade layout. Our method infers regular facade details from satellite-based image-fragments of a building, and applies them to occluded or under-sampled parts of the building, resulting in plausible, crisp facades. Using urban areas from six cities, we compare our approach to several state-of-the-art image completion/in-filling methods and our approach consistently creates better facade images."

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