Joint & Progressive Learning from High-Dimensional Data for Multi-Label Classification
Danfeng Hong, Naoto Yokoya, Jian Xu, Xiaoxiang Zhu; The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018, pp. 469-484
Despite the fact that nonlinear subspace learning techniques (e.g. manifold learning) have successfully applied to data representation, there is still room for improvement in explainability (explicit mapping), generalization (out-of-samples), and cost-effectiveness (linearization). To this end, a novel linearized subspace learning technique is developed in a joint and progressive way, called joint and progressive learning strategy (J-Play), with its application to multi-label classification. The J-Play learns high-level and semantically meaningful feature representation from high-dimensional data by 1) jointly performing multiple subspace learning and classification to find a latent subspace where samples are expected to be better classified; 2) progressively learning multi-coupled projections to linearly approach the optimal mapping bridging the original space with the most discriminative subspace; 3) locally embedding manifold structure in each learnable latent subspace. Extensive experiments are performed to demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with previous state-of-the-art methods.
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author = {Hong, Danfeng and Yokoya, Naoto and Xu, Jian and Zhu, Xiaoxiang},
title = {Joint & Progressive Learning from High-Dimensional Data for Multi-Label Classification},
booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
month = {September},
year = {2018}