Supervising the new with the old: learning SFM from SFM

Maria Klodt, Andrea Vedaldi; The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018, pp. 698-713


Recent work has demonstrated that it is possible to learn deep neural networks for monocular depth and ego-motion estimation from unlabelled video sequences, an interesting theoretical development with numerous advantages in applications. In this paper, we propose a number of improvements to these approaches. First, since such self-supervised approaches are based on the brightness constancy assumption, which is valid only for a subset of pixels, we propose a probabilistic learning formulation where the network predicts distributions over variables rather than specific values. As these distributions are conditioned on the observed image, the network can learn which scene and object types are likely to violate the model assumptions, resulting in more robust learning. We also propose to build on dozens of years of experience in developing handcrafted structure-from-motion (SFM) algorithms. We do so by using an off-the-shelf SFM system to generate a supervisory signal for the deep neural network. While this signal is also noisy, we show that our probabilistic formulation can learn and account for the defects of SFM, helping to integrate different sources of information and boosting the overall performance of the network.

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author = {Klodt, Maria and Vedaldi, Andrea},
title = {Supervising the new with the old: learning SFM from SFM},
booktitle = {The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
month = {September},
year = {2018}