"Fashionformer: A Simple, Effective and Unified Baseline for Human Fashion Segmentation and Recognition"
Shilin Xu, Xiangtai Li, Jingbo Wang, Guangliang Cheng, Yunhai Tong, Dacheng Tao
"Human fashion understanding is one important computer vision task since it has the comprehensive information for real-world applications. In this work, we focus on joint human fashion segmentation and attribute recognition. Contrary to the previous works that separately model each task as a multi-head prediction problem, our insight is to bridge these two tasks with one unified model via vision transformer modeling to benefit each task. In particular, we introduce the object query for segmentation and the attribute query for attribute prediction. Both queries and their corresponding features can be linked via mask prediction. Then we adopta two-stream query learning framework to learn the decoupled query representations. For attribute stream, we design a novel Multi-Layer Rendering module to explore more fine-grained features. The decoder design shares the same spirits with DETR, thus we name the proposed method \textit{Fahsionformer}. Extensive experiments on three human fashion datasets illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. In particular, our method with the same backbone achieverelative 10% improvements than previous works in case of \textit{a joint metric (AP^{{mask}}_{IoU+F_1}) for both segmentation and attribute recognition}. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first unified end-to-end vision transformer framework for human fashion analysis. We hope this simple yet effective method can serve as a new flexible baseline for fashion analysis. Code will be available at https://github.com/xushilin1/FashionFormer."
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