Free-Editor: Zero-shot Text-driven 3D Scene Editing

Nazmul Karim*, Hasan Iqbal, Umar Khalid, Chen Chen, Jing Hua ;


"Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models have recently gained traction for their versatility and user-friendliness in 2D content generation and editing. However, training a diffusion model specifically for 3D scene editing is challenging due to the scarcity of large-scale datasets. Currently, editing 3D scenes necessitates either retraining the model to accommodate various 3D edits or developing specific methods tailored to each unique editing type. Moreover, state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques require multiple synchronized edited images from the same scene to enable effective scene editing. Given the current limitations of T2I models, achieving consistent editing effects across multiple images remains difficult, leading to multi-view inconsistency in editing. This inconsistency undermines the performance of 3D scene editing 1 when these images are utilized. In this study, we introduce a novel, training-free 3D scene editing technique called Free-Editor, which enables users to edit 3D scenes without the need for model retraining during the testing phase. Our method effectively addresses the issue of multi-view style inconsistency found in state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods through the implementation of a single-view editing scheme. Specifically, we demonstrate that editing a particular 3D scene can be achieved by modifying only a single view. To facilitate this, we present an Edit Transformer that ensures intra-view consistency and inter-view style transfer using self-view and cross-view attention mechanisms, respectively. By eliminating the need for model retraining and multi-view editing, our approach significantly reduces editing time and memory resource requirements, achieving runtimes approximately 20 times faster than SOTA methods. We have performed extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets, showcasing the diverse editing capabilities of our proposed technique. Project Page: 1 Here, 3D scene editing indicates NeRF model editing. In this study, we mainly focus on NeRF-based 3D scene representation."

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