COIN: Control-Inpainting Diffusion Prior for Human and Camera Motion Estimation

Jiefeng Li*, Ye Yuan, Davis Rempe, Haotian Zhang, Pavlo Molchanov, Cewu Lu, Jan Kautz, Umar Iqbal* ;


"Estimating global human motion from moving cameras is challenging due to the entanglement of human and camera motions. To mitigate the ambiguity, existing methods leverage learned human motion priors, which however often result in oversmoothed motions with misaligned 2D projections. To tackle this problem, we propose , a control-inpainting motion diffusion prior that enables fine-grained control to disentangle human and camera motions. Although pre-trained motion diffusion models encode rich motion priors, we find it non-trivial to leverage such knowledge to guide global motion estimation from RGB videos. introduces a novel control-inpainting score distillation sampling method to ensure well-aligned, consistent, and high-quality motion from the diffusion prior within a joint optimization framework. Furthermore, we introduce a new human-scene relation loss to alleviate the scale ambiguity by enforcing consistency among the humans, camera, and scene. Experiments on three challenging benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of , which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of global human motion estimation and camera motion estimation. As an illustrative example, COIN outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 33% in world joint position error (W-MPJPE) on the RICH dataset."

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