4Diff: 3D-Aware Diffusion Model for Third-to-First Viewpoint Translation

Feng Cheng*, Mi Luo*, Huiyu Wang, Alex Dimakis, Lorenzo Torresani, Gedas Bertasius, Kristen Grauman ;


"We present , a 3D-aware diffusion model addressing the exo-to-ego viewpoint translation task — generating first-person (egocentric) view images from the corresponding third-person (exocentric) images. Building on the diffusion model’s ability to generate photorealistic images, we propose a transformer-based diffusion model that incorporates geometry priors through two mechanisms: (i) egocentric point cloud rasterization and (ii) 3D-aware rotary cross-attention. Egocentric point cloud rasterization converts the input exocentric image into an egocentric layout, which is subsequently used by a diffusion image transformer. As a component of the diffusion transformer’s denoiser block, the 3D-aware rotary cross-attention further incorporates 3D information and semantic features from the source exocentric view. Our achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging and diverse Ego-Exo4D multiview dataset and exhibits robust generalization to novel environments not encountered during training. Our code, processed data, and pretrained models are publicly available at https://klauscc.github.io/ 4diff."

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