Stitched ViTs are Flexible Vision Backbones

Zizheng Pan*, Jing Liu, Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai, Bohan Zhuang* ;


"Large pretrained plain vision Transformers (ViTs) have been the workhorse for many downstream tasks. However, existing works utilizing off-the-shelf ViTs are inefficient in terms of training and deployment, because adopting ViTs with individual sizes requires separate trainings and is restricted by fixed performance-efficiency trade-offs. In this paper, we are inspired by stitchable neural networks (SN-Net), which is a new framework that cheaply produces a single model that covers rich subnetworks by stitching pretrained model families, supporting diverse performance-efficiency trade-offs at runtime. Building upon this foundation, we introduce SN-Netv2, a systematically improved model stitching framework to facilitate downstream task adaptation. Specifically, we first propose a two-way stitching scheme to enlarge the stitching space. We then design a resource-constrained sampling strategy that takes into account the underlying FLOPs distributions in the space for better sampling. Finally, we observe that learning stitching layers as a low-rank update plays an essential role on downstream tasks to stabilize training and ensure a good Pareto frontier. With extensive experiments on ImageNet-1K, ADE20K, COCO-Stuff-10K and NYUv2, SN-Netv2 demonstrates superior performance over SN-Netv1 on downstream dense predictions and shows strong ability as a flexible vision backbone, achieving great advantages in both training efficiency and deployment flexibility."

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