Cascade-Zero123: One Image to Highly Consistent 3D with Self-Prompted Nearby Views

Yabo Chen, Jiemin Fang, Yuyang Huang, Taoran Yi, Xiaopeng Zhang*, Lingxi Xie, Xinggang Wang, Wenrui Dai*, Hongkai Xiong, Qi Tian ;


"Synthesizing multi-view 3D from one single image is a significant but challenging task. Zero-1-to-3 methods have achieved great success by lifting a 2D latent diffusion model to the 3D scope. The target-view image is generated with a single-view source image and the camera pose as condition information. However, due to the high sparsity of the single input image, Zero-1-to-3 tends to produce geometry and appearance inconsistency across views, especially for complex objects. To tackle this issue, we propose to supply more condition information for the generation model but in a self-prompt way. A cascade framework is constructed with two Zero-1-to-3 models, named , which progressively extract 3D information from the source image. Specifically, several nearby views are first generated by the first model and then fed into the second-stage model along with the source image as generation conditions. With amplified self-prompted condition images, our generates more consistent novel-view images than Zero-1-to-3. Experiment results demonstrate remarkable promotion, especially for various complex and challenging scenes, involving insects, humans, transparent objects, and stacked multiple objects . More demos and code are available at https: //"

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