Dissolving Is Amplifying: Towards Fine-Grained Anomaly Detection

Jian Shi*, Pengyi Zhang, Ni Zhang, Hakim Ghazzai, Peter Wonka ;


"Medical imaging often contains critical fine-grained features, such as tumors or hemorrhages, which are crucial for diagnosis yet potentially too subtle for detection with conventional methods. In this paper, we introduce DIA, dissolving is amplifying. DIA is a fine-grained anomaly detection framework for medical images. First, we introduce dissolving transformations. We employ diffusion with a generative diffusion model as a dedicated feature-aware denoiser. Applying diffusion to medical images in a certain manner can remove or diminish fine-grained discriminative features. Second, we introduce an amplifying framework based on contrastive learning to learn a semantically meaningful representation of medical images in a self-supervised manner, with a focus on fine-grained features. The amplifying framework contrasts additional pairs of images with and without dissolving transformations applied and thereby emphasizes the dissolved fine-grained features. DIA significantly improves the medical anomaly detection performance with around 18.40% AUC boost against the baseline method and achieves an overall SOTA against other benchmark methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/shijianjian/DIA.git."

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