Clean & Compact: Efficient Data-Free Backdoor Defense with Model Compactness

Huy Phan*, Jinqi Xiao, Yang Sui, Tianfang Zhang, Zijie Tang, Cong Shi, Yan Wang, Yingying Chen, Bo Yuan ;


"Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely deployed in real-world, mission-critical applications, necessitating effective approaches to protect deep learning models against malicious attacks. Motivated by the high stealthiness and potential harm of backdoor attacks, a series of backdoor defense methods for DNNs have been proposed. However, most existing approaches require access to clean training data, hindering their practical use. Additionally, state-of-the-art (SOTA) solutions cannot simultaneously enhance model robustness and compactness in a data-free manner, which is crucial in resource-constrained applications. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose Clean & Compact (C&C), an efficient data-free backdoor defense mechanism that can bring both purification and compactness to the original infected DNNs. Built upon the intriguing rank-level sensitivity to trigger patterns, C&C co-explores and achieves high model cleanliness and efficiency without the need for training data, making this solution very attractive in many real-world, resource-limited scenarios. Extensive evaluations across different settings consistently demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms SOTA backdoor defense methods."

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