Dual-Camera Smooth Zoom on Mobile Phones

Renlong Wu, Zhilu Zhang*, Yu Yang, Wangmeng Zuo ;


"When zooming between dual cameras on a mobile, noticeable jumps in geometric content and image color occur in the preview, inevitably affecting the user’s zoom experience. In this work, we introduce a new task, , dual-camera smooth zoom (DCSZ) to achieve a smooth zoom preview. The frame interpolation (FI) technique is a potential solution but struggles with ground-truth collection. To address the issue, we suggest a data factory solution where continuous virtual cameras are assembled to generate DCSZ data by rendering reconstructed 3D models of the scene. In particular, we propose a novel dual-camera smooth zoom Gaussian Splatting (ZoomGS), where a camera-specific encoding is introduced to construct a specific 3D model for each virtual camera. With the proposed data factory, we construct a synthetic dataset for DCSZ, and we utilize it to fine-tune FI models. In addition, we collect real-world dual-zoom images without ground-truth for evaluation. Extensive experiments are conducted with multiple FI methods. The results show that the fine-tuned FI models achieve a significant performance improvement over the original ones on DCSZ task. The datasets, codes, and pre-trained models are available at https: //github.com/ZcsrenlongZ/ZoomGS."

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